
Seeking revenge (Snapped!China X Dead!Reader)

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ZheQuietSayu's avatar

Literature Text

Warning: someone will turn into a murderous person. Contains few swears and a little violence.

There's a saying...when a person loses their loved one, that's when they turned into monsters who's blinded by revenge if they couldn't let go...and move on.

(Third Pov) 

It all happened during your birthday (Month) (Date), you just turned 20 and you have been living with your boyfriend, Yao Wang for 4 years ever since your parents got murdered by serial killers for money even if it was your birthday today, your boyfriend had work so he had to go leaving you alone here. 

He didn't know a secret that you have been keeping from him; you were a bounty hunter. 

Right after your parent's death, you became a bounty hunter to have justice from those who committed crimes. You know once Yao finds out, he will tell you to stop because it was too dangerous for a woman like you so you kept it a secret from him. 

You sat on your favorite (C/C) chair and bored (E/C) eyes looked at the clock; it was 7:00 pm. You brushed your long (H/C) with your fingers, bored and lonely. What's taking Yao so long? He promised to you that he will leave his work early today...he broke a promise again like always and you sighed sadly, you were used to him breaking all his promises to you but you couldn't let but be sad about it. 

Is his work more important than you? Well...after all he is the owner of the company so he has a lot of duties to do and has a big responsibility given by his parents. 

You looked at the brown yet expensive table which is filled with Chinese cuisines. You wondered why you even bother cooking on your birthday instead of Yao and just wait for him like always. This daily routine is starting to annoy you... 

If he doesn't come home soon then you will do another mission even if you did request to take a leave for today. You muttered some curses in Chinese and went to check your phone in your and Yao's bedroom. received messages from your relatives, friends, and co-workers saying "Happy Birthday" and some of them would post pictures and sweet of them if only Yao would be doing that for you. 

You put your phone in its place and you decided to change your normal clothes into a pretty one. You now wore a (D/C) dress that reaches your knees with spaghetti strap, (H/C) high heels, and you tied your (H/C) hair into a bun/ponytail/pigtails/braided. You checked in the mirror if you look okay and you smiled to yourself, Yao will be surprised if he sees you...

'Yao...when is he going home?' you thought sadly and went back to the dining room. You sat again to on your favorite (C/C) chair again and waited...suddenly you felt chills in your spines and you know that usual odd feeling; someone unfamiliar is within the house. You never knew why you have a strong sense when you're in danger. 

Not wasting time you quickly went to the living and took a weapon that won't kill someone but still useful to protect yourself; a baseball bat. You took off your heels and now you were barefooted but at least you can walk faster and fight properly so you wouldn't trip. Then you heard noises in the kitchen, you slowly walk towards there without making a sound, and saw the door was opened. You saw that the lights were out, the intruder must want to attack you in the dark. You slowly opened the door and back away in the wall so you won't get hit. 

Like what you have thought, you heard a gunshot and it hit your favorite flower vase. Argh...that hit a nerve to you, that flower vase was given to you by Elizabeta, a best friend of yours in Hungary but you don't want to do anything stupid or you might die so you just stayed in your position. Then you heard the person talk, it was a male...

"Seems like you're quick enough to dodge, miss bounty hunter" did that person know that you live here and more importantly how did that person know that you're a bounty hunter? You made sure to keep your identity a secret from everyone including your partners in mission unless that person who's probably a wanted person from the looks of it not to mention is a smart-ass to find out who you were and where you live.

Even so you kept quiet and stay on guard like you always do during mission, you would think of a plan before you take action. You quickly went to the living room and hid in a large sofa causing the intruder to get annoyed. "Quit f****** around woman!!!" 

You finally thought of a good plan; distract the intruder, sneak behind him, and knock him out...simple. It's easier said than done to you now time to take action but unfortunately for you, you saw a man with black hair tied in a ponytail and brown eyes, it was Yao outside the fence carrying something which looks a present and is coming towards the house in the window...oh no! He can't get inside! Now you have to abandon plan A now for plan B.

You went to the kitchen where the intruder is, you slowly closed the door, and locked the door...good thing you have it with you. That will keep them distracted for a while now time to warn Yao and let him get out of here before that intruder manage to break the door. You run to the door entrance of the house quickly but you fell to the floor. "(Name) where are you, aru?"

No!!! He's already inside the house, in the living room! You got up and run to the living room with a panic expression written in your face. You don't want him to be involved into this!!! You finally saw him sitting in the large sofa where you last walk towards him with the same expression on your face. What should you tell him? An intruder who's a wanted person break in the house and is after you...? Well it's better than lying to him, it's now or never you got to tell him the truth before it's too late. 

" need to get out of here!" your voice full of worry and panic causing Yao to wonder what just happened while he was gone. He should have kept his promise and returned early...he had no idea what's happening and what caused you to be like this. He noticed that you had a bruise on your leg because you fell and felt worried like you.

"What's the matter (Name)? Did something happened? Why do you have a bruise on your leg, aru?" he knelt down and checked your knee but you pushed him up causing him to gasp in surprised why you did that, you never would do this to him unless when you were in danger. "Listen Yao! You need to get out of here! It's not safe-" 

Unfortunately for you, you heard the door has been already broken by the intruder and before you could take action, the room was filled with smoke causing you two not to see. Then the next you know as the smoke vanished you can see Yao not moving in shock and fear because the intruder (who's face is covered because of a cloak and a black mask) pointed the gun directly at Yao's head and the intruder had tied him up in short amount of time; what a sneaky and fast intruder. 

You glared at the intruder and saw that he took your weapon away. Your hands turned into fists, shaking in anger. Why does this have to happen? Of all has to be when you're not in mission. You blamed yourself for not being careful and not being strong enough to protect Yao now it's all your fault why Yao is being a hostage. 

"Let go of him!!!" 

"Let me go, aru!!!" 

"Huh? Let him-a go? No way! will know why I'm-a after you bella" that voice sounds so familiar to you, you know that voice very well and you don't want to hear it. He took off his cloak and mask, the man had dark brown hair, light tan skin, and magenta eyes with red-ish pupils. It was one of the famous wanted people in Italy with the bounty of 800 million, Luciano Vargas! 

"L-Luciano Vargas...Flavio's younger brother..." know him very well. He's the younger brother of Flavio Vargas who poisoned 10 super models in England and was a part of the mafia group in America. You were the one who caught Flavio and sent him to the Asylum in Russia instead of prison because he's crazy to your point of view 3 years ago.

You never knew that Luciano would be haunting you down after you sent Flavio to the Asylum. You didn't know because he was still a pre-teen at the time. Oh how you were wrong...dead wrong if only you didn't let that chance slip in your should have put him to rehab so that he won't be like his brother but you guessed that it's already too late. 

"Correct bella! Now if you-a surrender and come with-a me then I'll-a have to shot this man!!!" he demanded you to do what he said, his personality changed...he used to be so innocent and fragile also weak before crying to you telling you to let his brother go because he's the only family he has left but you didn't hear him out nor help him so he changed for the worst. Now he turned into like his brother except who wants to seek revenge and is more sinister than's all your fault that caused him to be like this. 

"F-fine. Just let him go!" you stood up shaking in fear of what Luciano might do, once you were near him, he did let go of Yao but harshly causing you flinch in sadness for Luciano treating Yao so badly, Yao fell to the ground, wincing and tried to struggle. You were now beside him, tears forming in your sad (E/C) eyes and you looked down. "Good job bella. But you still need to about I-a do this" 

Luciano thought of another great idea to make you suffer...yes! What he thought was a great idea! Hahaha that cagna will know what it feels like to lose someone but he didn't know that you already know what it feels like. He put the gun inside his brown jacket and took out a knife wet with poison...his older brother's poison now time to teach that cagna a lesson, shall we? He pointed the knife at Yao and you just stared with wide (E/C) he can't kill already felt enough pain to handle and don't want this to happen again! " I go!" 

Before Luciano could throw it at Yao who's not moving in fear again, you already rushed to him and shielded him from getting hit in return you got hit by the poison knife. You felt the knife pierced in your shoulder blade...agh! It's stings a lot causing you to wince in pain but at least that Yao didn't get's better than seeing Yao getting hurt. "(Name)!" 

"Oh? What's this? Protecting him like a knight shining in armor bella?!? Hahaha you make me laugh bella!" Luciano at first was shock when you saw him protecting Yao because he didn't expect that coming but oh least you're suffering! It's your fault choosing Yao over yourself...what a pathetic fool you are Luciano thought as he laughed evilly like a madman.

Yao cried when he saw you getting pierced by a knife. What did you just did that?!? You shouldn't have done that Yao thought. You still alive untied Yao rather than fighting already felt your energy going down because of the poison, it's starting to spread all over your body once you finally untied him, you started coughing didn't have much time left. "(Name)!" 

You were about to fall in the floor but Yao caught you in his hands. He put you in his lap and started crying like the last time his younger sibling, Maria was taken away from him by Antonio Carriedo and when his cousin, Kiku turned his back on him and run away due to being overly-strict and taking away their freedom but this time...someone precious and important is going to die and it's you of all people. 

"(Name), 爱! Don't leave me!!! 我爱你! Please don't! I can't live without you, aru!" 

"Yao...I-I love you too...d-don't cry" you weakly said as you feel so sleepy but you can't die yet you still have things to say to things. Luciano who's watching the scene got bored of how touchy it is and it reminded him when his parents died. He took out his hand and was about to point it at Yao so that they can be together but he heard police cars coming so he left. 

"Yao I-I have a lot of things to say...t-t-t-to you. I-I'm sorry...if I wasn't t-t-the best girlfriend you have...I-I'm sorry that I-I wasn't able to have fa-family with you...and I-I'm sorry if I kept t-this a se-secret for so...long but I-I'm a bounty hunter...I-I hope you f-f-forgive me" 

"I forgive you (Name)! Just don't say s-such will be alright! I-I'll take you to the hospital-" Yao still crying was about to call the ambulance in his phone but you weakly stopped him with a sad smile and your hand touching his face, you wipe those tears away with your hands weakly.

"D-Don't Yao...i-it's already too late...the poison...h-has already spread...s-so don't. Please p-promise me...o-one thing" 

"W-What is it (N-Name)?" 

"Please...b-be happy a-and move on..." after you said that, you took your last breath, you closed your (E/C) eyes slowly looking at Yao one last time and you went to limp, not breathing nor moving. Yao felt the hand that was wiping his tears fell to the floor and he felt your body light as if your soul was separated from your your body is getting colder and colder...Yao couldn't believe it that you were gone. He tried even harder and started to shaking your dead body thinking that you would wake up if he did. "(N-Name)...stop joking, aru" 

"(Name)...?" no response...

"Please (Name)..." no response again...

"(Name)!!!" no response again...and now he believes that you were actually dead. You forgot that Yao isn't a man keeping his promise. 

Even if he did sent you to the nearest hospital, there's no chance for them to revive you again after all you were dead even before you were sent there. The next day, your was the same. Everyone who's your friends, co-workers, and families were there crying and mourning over your dead some even fainted in too much depression. 

As it ended, everyone one by one left except for Yao who's just there holding your tombstone, his eyes dried from crying a lot and his voice rough because of screaming the whole day and has your name in it and everything. 

Here lies (F/N) (L/N) 
Born on: (Month) (Day), (Year) - Died on: (Month) (Day) (Year) 
A friend, a sister, and a lover to all.

Yao rubbed his pluffy and red eyes tiredly. He smiled sadly but then when he remembered what happened to you, it turned into a frown. He touched your tombstone where it has writings on it. "Hey (Name). I feel so lonely and sad without you, aru"

Then he knelt and his hands turned into fist in anger of what Luciano did to you, you didn't deserved were so kind and loyal, you shouldn't have met a terrifying fate. He will make Luciano pay because of what he did to one will stop one if they dare get in his way...he'll kill them. "Don't worry (Name)...I'll make him pay for you, aru" 

Everyone didn't saw Yao ever again after the funeral, he just disappeared without a trace as if he didn't existed in the first place...some even thought that Yao committed suicide just to be with you but they were wrong. He left to have his revenge...

(5 years later) 

Yao came back to visit your grave for so long. He sat with his knees in front of your grave with a smile that's not innocent or normal anymore, it's a sinister smile one that matched Luciano's. He touched your tombstone a few times then he spoke in a small voice. "Hey (Name)'s been so long since I last visited you...2 years ago was it? Well...guess what, aru?" 

Yes he has gone crazy even if you were dead in reality, to him you were still alive in spirit. He used a (H/C) handkerchief which you gave him on his birthday. He rubbed off the bloodstains in his hands gently after that Yao put his bag down and searched for something inside once he found it, he took it out and showed it in front of your grave; it was Luciano's head. "I finally killed him (Name)...! You can finally rest in peace without thinking of the person who killed you! Hahahaha! I love you (Name), aru" 

He pressed his lip to your tombstone and kissed it gently as if he was actually kissing you with his eyes open, his eyes no longer hold the happiness it once had...behind him was you as a ghost crying because he turned into a monster because of you again. You tried to call him and reached out to you but he can never hear you after all you are no longer human but a ghost. 

'Some please hear me and help me save Yao' you thought as you prayed for someone to hear you. 

Bella- beautiful
Cagna- B****
 爱- love 
我爱你- I love you

--- I promised here it is! I never thought I would write a tragic fanfiction starting with China...anyways I don't HATE Luciano Vargas! In fact I like him for being awesome...I like him as much as I like Feliciano Vargas, Arthur Kirkland, and Oliver Kirkland!!! So don't get the wrong idea that I hate's just that I need a villain or so in this fic so I had to write this! I guess I didn't put too much violence here. Hetalia belongs to Himaruya! Hope you enjoy everyone!!!Crazy La :iconlacrazyplz: :mouthfulofcrabs: :LaDrum: 
Note: I'll write a one-sided fic oneshot with Japan X Ghost!Reader tomorrow 

© 2014 - 2024 ZheQuietSayu
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Fnafandundertaleis's avatar
China: "Hey (Name)'s been so long since I last visited you...2 years ago was it? Well...guess what, aru?"
Me: * shouts spiritually* NOPE OFF BY 3 YEARS!!!!!